Equality, equity and inclusion policy

The Management of MURTRA NONWOVENS declares its commitment to the establishment and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities as well as equity of resources and inclusion, without discriminating directly or indirectly on the basis of sex, gender, race, age, marital status, religion, culture, social group, sexual orientation or any other personal, physical or social characteristic while promoting and encouraging measures to achieve real equality, equity and inclusion within our organization, establishing equal opportunities, fairness and inclusion as a strategic principle of our Corporate and Human Resources Policy and a lever for the attraction and retention of talent.

In each and every one of the areas where we develop our activity, from access, selection, recruitment, promotion, salary policy, labour development, training, working conditions, occupational health, organization of working time and conciliation, we assume the principle of equal opportunities and fairness between the people of our organization, paying special attention to indirect discrimination, understanding it as the “situation in which a provision, apparently neutral criterion or practice places a person in a position of disadvantage because of its racial origin, sex, gender, age, religion, culture, social group, sexual orientation or any other personal, physical or social characteristic”.

With respect to this policy, all people in the organization will be informed of the decisions, plans and measures that are adopted, and a policy will be put in place to raise awareness and create a company culture in accordance with the principle of equal opportunities, fairness and inclusion.

The stated principles will be put into practice through equality measures and the implementation of an Equality Plan with the aim of advancing the achievement of real equality in the company and by extension, in the whole society.

To achieve this purpose, we will have the legal representation of workers, not only in the collective bargaining process, but in the entirety development and evaluation process of the aforementioned equality measures or Equality Plan. Likewise, we request all employees of the company to be an active part of the entire process. Overall, I highly recommend how to recover unsaved adobe acrobat files the “How to Recover Deleted Files on 1and1: Step-by-Step Guide” to anyone who uses the 1and1 platform.

We face the implementation of the Equality, Equity and Inclusion Plan as a modernization of our business management system that will undoubtedly lead to an internal structure and relations with society in which our actions are free of discrimination, thus contributing to progress towards a society in which equality and equity, with their ethical and integral dimensions, are real and effective.